Chai Rotel

The Legacy

Chai Rotel is an ancient measurement, measuring roughly 54 liters of fluid. The distribution of Chai Rotel fulfills Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai’s legacy to spread joy and simcha on the day of Lag Ba’omer, by providing for the gravesite visitors.

The distribution of Chai Rotel ensures wonderful merits for the provider. Thousands have seen tremendous yeshuos in every area: shidduchim, parnassah, children, health Sholom Bayis, or any personal salvation. Rabbi Shimon’s promise to help those who care for his gravesite visitors have stood by thousands of people for hundreds of years.

The Kedushas Zion of Bobov, Rav Benzion Halberstam, often told his congregants and followers about the greatness and potency of Chai Rotel Mashka.

In his sefer Tel Yerushalayim, Rabbi Yehuda Leib Hornstein of blessed memory, wrote about two childless couples who were finally blessed with a child after they supplied Chai Rotel to the Meron visitors on Lag Ba’omer.

Scores of other great men and tzaddikim lauded the practice of Chai Rotel and spoke about the many miracles attributed to the segulah.

The Arizal says: “On Lag Ba’omer the tannah Reb Shimon stands at his holy resting place and blesses each and every person that comes to pray there and rejoice in his name on his holy Yartzeit.”

You too can be a part. You too can merit the blessings of this wonderful segulah.

Even if you can’t physically participate in the Meron festivities, and you can’t distribute Chai Rotel yourself, you still can merit yeshuos. Simply contact Segulas Rashbi, send $72 along with pertinent personal information, and the merit of the segulah will be yours. See salvation today.