Lag Ba’omer

Our Trademark

When Lag Ba’omer rolls around, the spirit of Klal Yisroel is in Meron. From every stripe of yiddishkeit, thousands of Yidden trek the well-worn paths to implore and dance at Reb Shimon’s holy gravesite. Well, even then, one needs food. And drinks. And proper nourishment for proper function. Fortunately, Segulas Rashbi shoulders the responsibility. Throughout the long Lag Ba’omer night and frenzied day, an endless array of food is doled out – emptying pots and satisfying souls. Segulas Rasbhi generously offers at all times:

Delicious Drinks

What can be more refreshing than freezing cold fluid sliding down a parched throat? We distribute:

Food sets the mood

Well, one can’t go about hungry. We provide:

Souls satisfied. Palates pleased. Mission accomplished.
Your contribution – A fellow yid fed.
Donate today – Brochos your way.