Pidyon Rashash

The Segulah that Works

In trying times, people often seek salvation with the myriad segulahs out there. Some work wonders, while others not as much. Yet, there are few segulahs with complete guarantee for success.

Pidyon Rashash is renowned in effecting refuos, yeshuos, shidduchim, parnassah, zera shel kayama, sholom bayis, health, and prosperity. As Reb Chaim Vital Zt”l stated: “This Segulah has been tried and proven, thousands of times.”

What is Pidyon Rashash?

Pidyon Rashash was revealed by the Arizal, taught by the saintly Rashash. Talmidei Chachamim secure 160 pure silver coins and stir Rachmei Shamayim with specific kabalistic prayers. The coins are then distributed to worthy talmidei chachamim.

The 160 coins correspond to the numerical value of “eitz” which represent the resemblance of man and tree. This pidyon transfers the judgment from man to coins, thereby granting man a new Tzelem Elokim.

Reb Chaim Vital confirmed: “This pidyon is a guarantee to live in peace throughout the year.”

Segulas Rashbi offers the opportunity of this incredible segulah. Throughout the year, pidyon rashash is effected by esteemed talmidei chachamim at Kever Rashbi in Meron, and on Yud Shevat - anniversary of the holy Rashash’s demise - at Kever Rashash.

Why suffer when salvation is at your fingertips?!